
Javascript Development on a Live Site

Thu, May. 26, 2011

If you are doing javascript development on a live site, it is sometimes hard to do testing without your users seeing this testing happening. Recently I have been using a handy little function that allows me to add #dev to the url and only test those functions if the hash is in the url, such as

* Take functions out of global scope
* @version $Revision: 0.1
var zs = {};

 * Checks if we are in dev mode
 * @version $Revision: 0.1
 */ = function(){
    var h = document.location.hash.replace('#', '');
    return (h && h == 'dev');

Then when you are ready to do some work and need to test in "dev" mode just use it in an if statement:

if ( {
	// Do something here 

Very simple and very useful.

Nicholas Hubbard

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