Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
Default_Delivery_Method ($assetid=0) | |
_createAdditional (&$link) | |
getConfirmationSummary () | |
onRequestKeywords (&$broadcaster, $vars=Array()) | |
_getConfirmationBodycopyKeywords () | |
_getSuccessBodycopyKeywords () | |
_getFailureBodycopyKeywords () | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
_isAllowedPassThroughQuestionType ($type='') | |
getDeliveryMethodXML () | |
getReceipt ($html=FALSE) | |
getReceiptSummary () | |
_getReceiptKeywordReplacements () | |
getAvailableBodycopies () | |
getInputInterface () | |
processInputInterface () | |
getErrors () | |
& | getForm () |
getStatusMessage () | |
validateState () | |
getFailureSummary () | |
& | getBodycopy ($name='') |
processDelivery (&$order, &$contents_bodycopy, &$format_bodycopy, $currency_symbol='$', $float_precision=2, $taxation_name='GST', $taxation_rate=0.0, $flat_charges=Array(), $neg_quantity_list='', $neg_quantity_message='') | |
processPaymentGateway ($total_cost) | |
_getPassThroughVars () | |
![]() | |
Ecommerce_Delivery_Method ($assetid=0) | |
getInputInterface () | |
processInputInterface () | |
getState () | |
setState ($state=Array()) | |
validateState () | |
processDelivery () | |
getSummary () | |
getReceipt ($html=false) | |
getReceiptSummary () | |
getConfirmationSummary () | |
getDeliveryMethodXML () | |
![]() | |
Asset ($assetid=0) | |
create (Array &$link) | |
load ($assetid) | |
_loadDataPaths () | |
reload () | |
canDelete () | |
delete ($release_lock=TRUE, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
useSystemVersion () | |
loadSystemVersion () | |
saveSystemVersion () | |
clearSystemVersion () | |
revertToSystemVersion () | |
revertNoticeLinksToSystemVersion () | |
_updated ($update_parents=TRUE) | |
type () | |
getTypeAncestors ($include_asset=TRUE) | |
incrementVersion ($number='micro', $update_parents=TRUE) | |
getLanguages () | |
setLanguages (Array $languages) | |
setCharset ($charset) | |
setForceSecure ($force_secure) | |
remapAssetids (Array $map) | |
morph ($new_type_code) | |
_morphCleanup ($new_type_code) | |
onRequestKeywords (Asset $broadcaster, Array $vars=Array()) | |
canClone () | |
cloneComponents (Asset $clone, Array $components, $override=FALSE) | |
cloneComponentsAdditional (Asset $clone, Array $components) | |
cloneLinks (Asset $clone) | |
getStatus () | |
getAvailableStatii () | |
getStatusDescription () | |
processStatusChange ($new_status, $update_parents=TRUE, $run_updated=TRUE) | |
setDate ($date_type, $time=NULL, $userid=NULL) | |
lockTypes () | |
canForceablyAcquireLock ($lock_type) | |
getEditingLocks ($keywords) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
createLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $value='', $sort_order=NULL, $dependant='0', $exclusive='0', $moving=FALSE, $locked=0) | |
prepareLink (Asset $asset, $side_of_link, &$link_type, &$value, &$sort_order, &$dependant, &$exclusive) | |
canCreateLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $exclusive) | |
canMoveLink (Asset $minor, Asset $old_major, $link_type) | |
describeLink ($linkid) | |
isDeletableLink ($linkid) | |
canDeleteLink ($linkid) | |
deleteLink ($linkid, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
linksUpdated () | |
canCloneLink () | |
saveAttributes ($dont_run_updated=FALSE, $log_message=TRUE) | |
setAttrValue ($name, $value) | |
attr ($name) | |
& | attrByRef ($name) |
getAttribute ($name, $mute_errors=FALSE) | |
getAssetKeywords ($descriptions=FALSE) | |
getAvailableKeywords () | |
getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
getAssetWebPathKeywordReplacement () | |
getCustomKeywordReplacements ($keywords=Array(), $invoke_backend=FALSE) | |
processCustomKeywords ($keywords=Array()) | |
getContent () | |
setContent () | |
getEffectiveLastUpdatedTime ($assetids) | |
readAccess (Array $assetids=Array()) | |
writeAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
adminAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array()) | |
backendAccess () | |
liveEditAccess ($lock_type) | |
canliveEdit ($lock_type) | |
effectiveUnrestricted () | |
checkAccess ($perm, $lock_type, Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
accessEffective () | |
permissionsUpdated () | |
printFrontend () | |
printFrontendAsset (Asset $asset, $design=NULL) | |
getValidProtocols () | |
printHead () | |
printBody () | |
getCurrentPaintLayoutName () | |
getCurrentDesignName () | |
printBodyWithPaintLayout ($layout_id='') | |
initLimbo () | |
printLimbo () | |
paintBackend (Backend_Outputter $o) | |
getPrefix () | |
processBackend (Backend_Outputter $o, Array &$link) | |
getEI () | |
getEditFns () | |
getBackendHref ($screen='', $backend_page=TRUE) | |
getURL ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE, $base_contextid=NULL) | |
getURLs () | |
getHref ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE) | |
getWebDataPath () | |
getWebPaths () | |
saveWebPaths ($paths, $auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
getLookups ($field='') | |
getDesignLookups () | |
getLookupValues ($inherited=NULL, $prefix='', $like_search=TRUE, $ignore_override=FALSE) | |
deleteLookupValue ($layout_name, $layout_value) | |
setPaintLayouts ($layouts) | |
updateLookups ($auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
setLookupValues (Array $values) | |
getAssetStatusDescriptionKeywordReplacement () | |
getAssetStatusColourKeywordReplacement () | |
replaceKeywordsInString ($string) | |
fastTrack ($tasks) | |
unFastTrack ($tasks) | |
shouldFastTrack ($task, $assetid=NULL) | |
getFaskTrackedTaskAssetids ($task) | |
getDependantParentsURL () | |
![]() | |
MySource_Object () | |
__sleep () | |
__wakeup () | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$state | |
![]() | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE, $contextid=NULL) | |
Definition at line 31 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_createAdditional | ( | & | $link | ) |
create the additional assets
object | &$link | link |
Definition at line 51 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_getAllowedLinks | ( | ) |
_getConfirmationBodycopyKeywords | ( | ) |
Get the Confirmation keywords
Definition at line 221 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_getFailureBodycopyKeywords | ( | ) |
Get the Failure keywords
Definition at line 263 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_getPassThroughVars | ( | ) |
Get the pass through variables under key - value pair array
Definition at line 856 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_getReceiptKeywordReplacements | ( | ) |
get the receipt keyword replacement
Definition at line 457 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_getSuccessBodycopyKeywords | ( | ) |
Get the Success keywords
Definition at line 242 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
_isAllowedPassThroughQuestionType | ( | $type = '' | ) |
Check if question type can be used for pass through variable
string | $type | question type code |
Definition at line 311 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getAvailableBodycopies | ( | ) |
return the available bodycopies
Definition at line 471 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
& getBodycopy | ( | $name = '' | ) |
get the bodycopy
string | $name | name of the bodycopy |
Definition at line 651 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getConfirmationSummary | ( | ) |
get confirmation summary
Definition at line 131 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getDeliveryMethodXML | ( | ) |
Get the XML representation of this delivery method to store in the order_xml attribute of Ecommerce Order asset
Definition at line 337 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getErrors | ( | ) |
getFailureSummary | ( | ) |
get the failure summary
Definition at line 629 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
& getForm | ( | ) |
get the form of the delivery method
Definition at line 567 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getInputInterface | ( | ) |
get the input interface
Definition at line 488 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getReceipt | ( | $html = FALSE | ) |
Get the Receipt
boolean | $html | if true means we are returning a html format |
Definition at line 379 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getReceiptSummary | ( | ) |
get the receipt summary
Definition at line 412 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
getStatusMessage | ( | ) |
onRequestKeywords | ( | & | $broadcaster, |
$vars = Array() |
) |
get the keywords on request
object | &$broadcaster | broadcaster |
array | $vars | vars |
Definition at line 173 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
processDelivery | ( | & | $order, |
& | $contents_bodycopy, | ||
& | $format_bodycopy, | ||
$currency_symbol = '$' , |
$float_precision = 2 , |
$taxation_name = 'GST' , |
$taxation_rate = 0.0 , |
$flat_charges = Array() , |
$neg_quantity_list = '' , |
$neg_quantity_message = '' |
) |
This function process the delivery
object | &$order | Ecommerce_Order asset |
object | &$contents_bodycopy | Receipt contents bodycopy |
object | &$format_bodycopy | Receipt format bodycopy |
string | $currency_symbol | Symbol to use as the currency for all prices |
int | $float_precision | Precision of the floating numbers used for prices |
string | $taxation_name | Name of the tax |
float | $taxation_rate | Tax value |
array | $flat_charges | Array('Charge Name' => 'Price') |
string | $neg_quantity_list | List specifying which products have negative quantities |
string | $neg_quantity_message | Message explaining negative quantities list |
Definition at line 692 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
processInputInterface | ( | ) |
process the input interface
Definition at line 510 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
processPaymentGateway | ( | $total_cost | ) |
Sets up SESSION vars for the payment gateway and sends user to it Called by the checkout asset
float | $total_cost | The total cost of all the items in the cart |
Definition at line 818 of file default_delivery_method.inc.
validateState | ( | ) |