Squiz Matrix
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($assetid=0) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
connect ($service_name, $verify=FALSE) | |
synchronizeCheck () | |
getCurrentFileInfo () | |
getAvailableDocumentFields () | |
getRepositoryId () | |
getRootFolderId ($repositoryId) | |
getFolderChildren ($repositoryId, $folderId) | |
getObjectContents ($repositoryId, $objectId) | |
![]() | |
Asset ($assetid=0) | |
create (Array &$link) | |
load ($assetid) | |
_loadDataPaths () | |
reload () | |
canDelete () | |
delete ($release_lock=TRUE, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
useSystemVersion () | |
loadSystemVersion () | |
saveSystemVersion () | |
clearSystemVersion () | |
revertToSystemVersion () | |
revertNoticeLinksToSystemVersion () | |
_updated ($update_parents=TRUE) | |
type () | |
getTypeAncestors ($include_asset=TRUE) | |
incrementVersion ($number='micro', $update_parents=TRUE) | |
getLanguages () | |
setLanguages (Array $languages) | |
setCharset ($charset) | |
setForceSecure ($force_secure) | |
remapAssetids (Array $map) | |
morph ($new_type_code) | |
_morphCleanup ($new_type_code) | |
onRequestKeywords (Asset $broadcaster, Array $vars=Array()) | |
canClone () | |
cloneComponents (Asset $clone, Array $components, $override=FALSE) | |
cloneComponentsAdditional (Asset $clone, Array $components) | |
cloneLinks (Asset $clone) | |
getStatus () | |
getAvailableStatii () | |
getStatusDescription () | |
processStatusChange ($new_status, $update_parents=TRUE, $run_updated=TRUE) | |
setDate ($date_type, $time=NULL, $userid=NULL) | |
lockTypes () | |
canForceablyAcquireLock ($lock_type) | |
getEditingLocks ($keywords) | |
_getAllowedLinks () | |
createLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $value='', $sort_order=NULL, $dependant='0', $exclusive='0', $moving=FALSE, $locked=0) | |
prepareLink (Asset $asset, $side_of_link, &$link_type, &$value, &$sort_order, &$dependant, &$exclusive) | |
canCreateLink (Asset $minor, $link_type, $exclusive) | |
canMoveLink (Asset $minor, Asset $old_major, $link_type) | |
describeLink ($linkid) | |
isDeletableLink ($linkid) | |
canDeleteLink ($linkid) | |
deleteLink ($linkid, $check_locked=TRUE) | |
linksUpdated () | |
canCloneLink () | |
saveAttributes ($dont_run_updated=FALSE, $log_message=TRUE) | |
setAttrValue ($name, $value) | |
attr ($name) | |
& | attrByRef ($name) |
getAttribute ($name, $mute_errors=FALSE) | |
getAssetKeywords ($descriptions=FALSE) | |
getAvailableKeywords () | |
getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
getAssetWebPathKeywordReplacement () | |
getCustomKeywordReplacements ($keywords=Array(), $invoke_backend=FALSE) | |
processCustomKeywords ($keywords=Array()) | |
getContent () | |
setContent () | |
getEffectiveLastUpdatedTime ($assetids) | |
readAccess (Array $assetids=Array()) | |
writeAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
adminAccess ($lock_type='', Array $assetids=Array()) | |
backendAccess () | |
liveEditAccess ($lock_type) | |
canliveEdit ($lock_type) | |
effectiveUnrestricted () | |
checkAccess ($perm, $lock_type, Array $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
accessEffective () | |
permissionsUpdated () | |
printFrontend () | |
printFrontendAsset (Asset $asset, $design=NULL) | |
getValidProtocols () | |
printHead () | |
printBody () | |
getCurrentPaintLayoutName () | |
getCurrentDesignName () | |
printBodyWithPaintLayout ($layout_id='') | |
initLimbo () | |
printLimbo () | |
paintBackend (Backend_Outputter $o) | |
getPrefix () | |
processBackend (Backend_Outputter $o, Array &$link) | |
getEI () | |
getEditFns () | |
getBackendHref ($screen='', $backend_page=TRUE) | |
getURL ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE, $base_contextid=NULL) | |
getURLs () | |
getHref ($base_url=NULL, $ignore_rollback=FALSE) | |
getWebDataPath () | |
getWebPaths () | |
saveWebPaths ($paths, $auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
getLookups ($field='') | |
getDesignLookups () | |
getLookupValues ($inherited=NULL, $prefix='', $like_search=TRUE, $ignore_override=FALSE) | |
deleteLookupValue ($layout_name, $layout_value) | |
setPaintLayouts ($layouts) | |
updateLookups ($auto_add_remaps=TRUE) | |
setLookupValues (Array $values) | |
getAssetStatusDescriptionKeywordReplacement () | |
getAssetStatusColourKeywordReplacement () | |
replaceKeywordsInString ($string) | |
fastTrack ($tasks) | |
unFastTrack ($tasks) | |
shouldFastTrack ($task, $assetid=NULL) | |
getFaskTrackedTaskAssetids ($task) | |
getDependantParentsURL () | |
![]() | |
MySource_Object () | |
__sleep () | |
__wakeup () | |
Data Fields | |
$soap = NULL | |
![]() | |
$id = 0 | |
$version = '' | |
$name = '' | |
$short_name = '' | |
$status | |
$languages = '' | |
$charset = '' | |
$force_secure = '0' | |
$created | |
$created_userid | |
$updated | |
$updated_userid | |
$published | |
$published_userid | |
$status_changed | |
$status_changed_userid | |
$_is_cacheable = FALSE | |
$vars = Array() | |
$_available_keywords = Array() | |
$data_path_suffix = '' | |
$data_path = '' | |
$data_path_public = '' | |
$_ser_attrs = FALSE | |
![]() | |
$_tmp | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link) | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE) | |
![]() | |
_preCreateCheck (Array &$link) | |
_createAdditional (Array &$link) | |
_abortCreate ($trigger_level_changed=FALSE, $linkid=0) | |
_loadVars () | |
_getName ($short_name=FALSE, $contextid=NULL) | |
_getKeywordReplacement ($keyword) | |
_checkPermissionAccess ($perm, $assetids=Array(), $only_workflow=TRUE) | |
makeAndSaveInitialWebPath ($path, $parent_link=NULL) | |
Definition at line 33 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
__construct | ( | $assetid = 0 | ) |
int | $assetid | assetid for the asset |
Definition at line 50 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
protected |
Perform any additional processing required during the creation of this asset
Pages add a default web path when they are created
array | &$link | information used to create the initial link |
Definition at line 93 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
_getAllowedLinks | ( | ) |
Returns an array of all the permitted links type, the type asset and the cardinality In the form
Array('[link_type]' => Array('[type_code]' => Array('card' => [cardinality], 'exclusive' => [exclusive]))); Where: link_type = SQ_LINK_TYPE_1|SQ_LINK_TYPE_2|SQ_LINK_TYPE_3|SQ_LINK_NOTICE cardinality = [max number of links]|'M' exclusive = TRUE|FALSE
Definition at line 115 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
protected |
Returns name of the asset
boolean | $short_name | whether or not we are after the short name or the full name |
Definition at line 136 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
protected |
Perform any pre-validation required during the creation of this asset
Pages ensure a name and short_name has been set before they are created
array | &$link | information used to create the initial link |
Definition at line 68 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
connect | ( | $service_name, | |
$verify = FALSE |
) |
Connect and bind to the CMIS Server
string | $service_name | see CMIS_Bridge::getServices() |
boolean | $verify | whether to test the connection. |
Definition at line 158 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
getAvailableDocumentFields | ( | ) |
Gets the available document fields of our document library that we can store in our metadata fields. Mostly interested in custom fields but additionally a few CMIS fields used for synchronization.
Definition at line 296 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
getCurrentFileInfo | ( | ) |
Searches for all file assets located under the bridge and returns a mapping of the metadata sync values to the assetid. Used for synchronization purposes. If no metadata value is present for the unique 'objectId', the file will be ignored.
Definition at line 260 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
getFolderChildren | ( | $repositoryId, | |
$folderId | |||
) |
Grabs all the documents located under the specified folder and returns all available information Return FALSE on error.
string | $repositoryId | |
string | $folderId |
Definition at line 398 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
getObjectContents | ( | $repositoryId, | |
$objectId | |||
) |
Gets contents of the specified object in binary form.
string | $repositoryId | |
string | $objectId |
Definition at line 444 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
getRepositoryId | ( | ) |
Gets the repository id based on the bridge 'Repository Name' attribute
Definition at line 348 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
getRootFolderId | ( | $repositoryId | ) |
Given the repository id will return the root folder id
string | $repositoryId |
Definition at line 376 of file cmis_bridge.inc.
synchronizeCheck | ( | ) |
Determines what needs to be updated, created and trashed. Used by the Sync CMIS Bridge HIPO Job.
Definition at line 189 of file cmis_bridge.inc.