Squiz Matrix  4.12.2
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1 <?php
18 require_once SQ_INCLUDE_PATH.'/asset_management.inc';
31 {
41  {
42  Asset_Management::__construct($pm);
44  $this->vars = Array(
45  'epoch' => Array(
46  'added' => '0.0.1',
47  'type' => 'int',
48  'default' => 0,
49  'description' => 'The GMT time of the "first" run that the Cron Manager made (or will make) was at this time',
50  ),
51  'refresh_time' => Array(
52  'added' => '0.0.1',
53  'type' => 'duration',
54  'default' => 900,
55  'description' => 'The number of seconds between cron runs, whenever you change this update the "epoch" to the first time that this change will be felt',
56  ),
57  'last_run' => Array(
58  'added' => '0.1',
59  'type' => 'int',
60  'default' => 0,
61  'description' => 'The last time that the cron manager was run',
62  ),
63  'running' => Array(
64  'added' => '0.1',
65  'type' => 'boolean',
66  'default' => FALSE,
67  'description' => 'Are we currently running ?',
68  'parameters' => Array(
69  'allow_empty' => FALSE,
70  ),
71  ),
72  'run_check' => Array(
73  'added' => '0.1',
74  'type' => 'int',
75  'default' => 0,
76  'description' => 'The number of times that a cron run has been started and stopped because the running flag is set true, this get\'s reset in run() after each pass over what jobs have to be done',
77  ),
78  'warn_after_num_run_checks' => Array(
79  'added' => '0.1',
80  'type' => 'int',
81  'default' => 3,
82  'description' => 'When run_check hits this number a warning will be sent out to announce the possible un-removed locking',
83  ),
84  'num_failed_attempts' => Array(
85  'added' => '0.1',
86  'type' => 'int',
87  'default' => 3,
88  'description' => 'The number of times that a cron job can fail and request to have another attempt at running',
89  ),
90  'exclude_times' => Array(
91  'added' => '0.2',
92  'type' => 'serialise',
93  'default' => Array(
94  0 => Array(
95  'from' => 0,
96  'to' => 0,
97  'days' => Array(),
98  ),
99  ),
100  'description' => 'Cronjob Exlude times',
101  ),
102  'current_job' => Array(
103  'added' => '0.3',
104  'type' => 'text',
105  'default' => NULL,
106  'description' => 'Currently Executing Job',
107  ),
108  'dead_lock_email_to' => Array(
109  'added' => '0.3',
110  'type' => 'serialise',
111  'default' => Array(),
112  'description' => 'Users to send the cron deadlock email to',
113  ),
114  'max_years' => Array(
115  'added' => '0.3',
116  'type' => 'int',
117  'default' => 10,
118  'description' => 'Number of years in the future to display in the dropdown that be set when setting up a cron job',
119  ),
123  );
125  }//end constructor
128 }//end class
129 ?>